Summary and Setup

This Library Carpentry lesson is the third in a series of lessons included in the Curating for Reproducibility Curriculum. Previous lessons laid the groundwork for understanding reproducibility (Lesson 1: Introduction to Curating for Reproducibility) and introduced the Data Quality Review framework, which outlines the necessary curation activities for supporting reproducible research (Lesson 2: Curating for Reproducibility Workflows).

This lesson extends the instruction provided in previous lessons by focusing on the code review component of the Data Quality Review framework. Code review, which is a critical part of assessing reproducibility, requires skills that may be less familiar to librarians and information science professionals. By dedicating an entire lesson to assessing reproducibility, learners will be able to explore the code review procedures in more detail and practice some of the most essential code review tasks.

The goal of this lesson is to give learners an in-depth view of reproducibility assessment processes and to gain the skills necessary to perform code review activities as part of curating for reproducibility workflows. Upon completion of this and the two previous lessons of the Curating for Reproducibility Curriculum, learners will be prepared to complete Lesson 4: Compendium Packaging and Publishing, which presents strategies for addressing issues that arise when completing final curating for reproducibility actions.

The CuRe Curriculum was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under grants RE-87-17-0074-17 and RE-36-19-0081-19. The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s libraries and museums. We advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development. Our vision is a nation where museums and libraries work together to transform the lives of individuals and communities. To learn more, visit and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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While this lesson has no prerequisites, completion of the previous lessons of the Curating for Reproducibility Curriculum (Lesson 1: Introduction to Curating for Reproducibility and Lesson 2: Curating for Reproducibility Workflows) prior to starting this lesson.