Summary and Setup
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The Data Curation for Reproducibility Curriculum aims to provide learners working in research data support roles with the practical knowledge and skills to properly execute data curation workflows that uphold the highest standard of data quality.
The goal of this introductory lesson is to give learners: 1) the foundational knowledge needed to understand and engage with research reproducibility; and 2) an overview of the strategies used by information professionals to manage, curate, and steward research data assets that serve as the evidence base for reported scientific findings. This lesson also prepares learners to perform data curation for reproducibility activities taught in follow-up lessons, Lesson 2: Curating for Reproducibility Workflows, Lesson 3: Reproducibility Assessment, and Lesson 4: Compendium Packaging and Publication.
To establish a shared understanding of what curating for reproducibility means and why the practice is critical to the scientific enterprise, this lesson covers quite a bit of ground. By committing the time necessary to learn these essential concepts and issues, learners will be better prepared to engage in activities for promoting and implementing data curation for reproducibility services.
The CuRe Curriculum was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library
Services under grants RE-87-17-0074-17 and
RE-36-19-0081-19. The Institute of Museum and Library Services
is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s libraries and
museums. We advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries,
and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy
development. Our vision is a nation where museums and libraries work
together to transform the lives of individuals and communities. To learn
more, visit and follow
us on Facebook and Twitter.
This lesson has no preqrequisites, and the materials assume no prior knowledge of the topics and tools introduced in each episode.